Michael Heilemann’s Thoughts on iOS 7

19 June 2013

Michael Heilemann has some thoughtful posts on some of the UI changes in iOS. I’m posting them here primarily because they make a lot of sense to me but also because I want to see how the final product compares to the Beta.

I haven’t used iOS on any device — I’m not part of the developer program — so only have critiques like Michael’s to go on. It appears that there are some fundamental changes to how you interact with the OS that seem careless — even thoughtless. As Michael says:

However, when I look at a beta I see anti-patterns and basic mistakes that should have been caught on the whiteboard before anyone even began thinking about coding it. I get scared. This isn’t a matter of ‘oh, it’s a little glitchy now and then’; these are things that from the looks of it seem simply like poor design decisions.

Here are the things I see as issues with the iOS 7 Beta. It’ll be interesting to see which ones are resolved by ‘this fall’.

Yes, yes, it’s a Beta, there are bound to be some glitches. And there’s plenty of time to fix & improve before the OS is released. But I have to agree with Michael — some of these things are just bad design decisions.

I’ll revisit this post in ‘the fall’. Or Autumn, as we say around these parts.

Tagged with Apple, Design, Interfaces, iOS, Usability

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