
8 December 2010

Microsoft’s director of Windows Phone Program Management Joe Belfiore was interviewed by Walt Mossberg on the impact Windows Phone 7 has had since it’s launch. The whole article is an interesting read but what struck me most was the vague admission that Microsoft think it’s about 2 years behind Apple — this is, admittedly, in relation to marketshare & profitability, not technology (I doubt this would be something they’d admit) but it reminded me of this part of the original iPhone introduction in 2007.

The original iPhone introduction: Steve Jobs presenting a slide saying the iPhone is '5 years ahead of any other phone'

Steve had this slide up as he talked about the technology behind iPhone and, as I mention above, this admission that Windows Phone 7 is about 2 years behind iPhone relates to marketshare & profitability, not technology.

Tagged with Apple, Microsoft, Mobile

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